Small-town girl turned city-lover with a hankerin’ (still) for wide-open spaces … both imagined and real.  Art-lover and pretender who thrives on paradox.  Sin-hater and addict, desperate for Christ.  Enthusiast for life and breath and being (fully).  Bridge-builder for the sake of justice, beauty, and reconciliation.  Laboring to embrace (and lead others to) the centrality of the Cross.  Most alive while reading, running, thinking, hiking, writing, and (or) snagging some good conversation.

7 Responses to “A bit about jt …”

  1. Berger Jipp Says:

    you are a wonderful, beautiful person. I am so happy to “find” you in virtual space, which is sometimes too wide open, but in other ways a wide open space big enough for all of our passions and musings. Glad to have your sweet, dynamic voice in my life in this way 🙂

  2. Guido the pool boy Says:

    Someday when I grow up just like you. Except I am ADHD and can’t go that deep.

  3. jt Says:

    Curt, I think we’re much more similar than you suggest. (But thanks for the props!) And Berger, how good to know companionship in yet another “space” … I’m eager for more. (And looking forward to that long-awaited conversation.) Soon …

  4. thejesusguy Says:

    I would love to chat with you sometime on an EFCA perspective about the role of women in ministry. I am planting a forward-thinking Free Church in the Atlanta area & would love to hear your take.

  5. jt Says:

    I’d be happy to chat! Actually, one of my colleagues recently turned-out a paper that I think is quite helpful in detailing some framework for women in ministry; let me chase that down & send it onto you. Looking forward to some exchange …

  6. Brian Says:


    Hi. I stumbled across your blog via the Spring edition of the EFCA magazine. I noticed that you were a pastor in an E-Free church. This intrigued me greatly. My wife and I have been talking a LOT about the topic of women in ministry, as I am hoping to transition from my work with Campus Crusade for Christ and into the local church. If you’ve got any articles, books, papers that you could reccomend to me, I’d greatly appreciate it!

  7. jt Says:

    Brian … I hope by now you’ve received the e-mail I sent, along w/a few attachments & my own recommendations. I’d be more than happy to further true dialogue; just drop a line if you’d like that!

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